Why Do I
Advocate D-FARPAE {Defence-Foreign Affairs Related Pro-Active Engagement} in the form of Limited Military
Action to Solve Pakistan Problem?
04 March 19
- It is Not a War-Cry, but
a much delayed action to attain Justice, due to the incompetence
of Indian Political Leadership
- Dijo Thomas exposes the Danger
and Hypocrisy behind the “No Strong Response” Lobby
- At the same time Pure War
Jingoism for Political gains is equally disgusting
[Read my earlier Article
“Indian Political Leaders
Failed to Solve Pakistan Problem till date; They try to Manage
it; end up Stage Managing it”
written in Sep18 & Published in Jan 19 in DijoThomas.com]
There is No other nation in the world, like India,
is facing State Sponsored Terrorism, from a much less capable
[Militarily speaking] country – Pakistan – repeatedly for
4 decades.
The main reason for this aggression is the stupidity
& the failure of Indian political class, especially
PMs & Defence Ministers, across the political spectrum.
Those who cry hoarse against a response from
India, do not see a mistake when Pakistan unnecessarily promote
Terrorism in India.

A Few Questions that these So-Called
“Pease Lovers” should answer:
My questions :
- Aren’t they, by their
perverted action, supporting the Pakistan’s act of promoting
Terrorism in India?
- When u speak against a
military response from India, which is quite Justifiable,
aren’t you just seeking your own comfort, and in the process
forgetting the people who get wounded / Die due to Pak’s
action, day by day?
- Or do you intend to say
that Terrorism in India by Pakistan is Not an act of war?
- Or do you mean that the
Victims of Pakistan’s not only Terrorism, but cross border
shelling and attacks doesn’t matter to you, as long as it
is Not you?
- When u repeatedly state that
dialogue with Pakistan will solve the issue, aren’t you
just being the Biggest Hippocrate around?
- Can u show, how, the many
Dialogues and Treaties undertaken by India with Pak had
made the latter abstain from Terrorism?
- So the question is, Don’t
u want a permanent solution to the problem?
- Or Do you mean that Terrorism
by Pakistan is Not War, but if the victim country [India]
responds, then it is war?
- Or do you mean that War by
Pakistan is Good, but a [response] War by India is Bad?
- Or do you mean that India
should not try to defend itself?
- Or that an armed response
is not necessary, as when you order Pak in the name of peace,
they will immediately end all hostilities, whatsoever?
Every year India is
spending Lakhs of Crores of Rupees on Defence, mainly because
of Pakistan. If the Pakistan Problem is solved permanently,
these funds can be utilized for the welfare of the people.
- By your stand, aren’t you
making sure that Lakhs of Crores of Rupees on Defence is
wasted on Defence every year?
- Aren’t you, by your stand,
ensuring that Lakhs of Crores of Rupees which is spend on
Defence, and that these funds are Not made available for
As is evident from my above Chain of Thought through
the Questions that I have raised, my demand for D-FARPAE {Defence-Foreign
Affairs Related Pro-Active Engagement} in the form of Limited Military
Action against Pakistan is from two Major issues:
- When we refrain from responding
to 40 years of Pakistani aggression, we are Not conducting
a Noble act; or our action of maintaining “Peace” despite
that is a Ethically Wrong Action
- The Lakhs of Crores of Rupees
which is spend on Defence vis-a-vis Pakistan, can be made
available for development, once the Pakistan Problem is
solved permanently, which can be done only by the use of
Will Pakistan use Nuclear option in
the event of a Military Failure?
I as a Defence, Foreign Affairs, Strategic
Analyst; would have first considered the Question, “Whether
Pakistan will use Nuclear option in the event of a Military
Failure?”. I have in my earlier Article “Indian Political Leaders Failed to Solve Pakistan
Problem till date; They try to Manage it; end up Stage Managing
it”, recommended
Military Action only after considering
this Factor very thoroughly. I was thoroughly convinced that
there are fool-proof method to Stop Pakistan from using Nuclear
weapons, even in the event of a military failure by them.
I do Not support the Narendra Modi
– Amit Shah response to Pulwama, as the actions and statement
by them in the days consecutive to Surgerical Strikes 2. Show
that, for them, it is just a Drama at the expense of the life
of Indian Armed Forces and the Tax Payer’s money.
Why have Not they demanded the hand-over of the
Three most wanted terrorists, when the time was ripe; ie.
Immediately after the air strikes, when world was trying to
de-escalate the situation & will force Pak any extent,
to avoid a war?
It only shows that the Indian Political class remains
as repulsive as ever, whatever their color may be.
Stop Trying to Manage Pakistan; which is Impossible; just
solve the problem permanently
[Read my earlier Article
“Indian Political Leaders
Failed to Solve Pakistan Problem till date; They try to Manage
it; end up Stage Managing it”
Read More ......
written in Sep18 & Published in Jan 19 in DijoThomas.com]